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Help Save the Western Monarch and Other Pollinators!

The Monarch Milkweed Project, Inc is now a 501(c)(3)!
Any purchase here is a donation to our non-profit. Remember us at tax time!

Monarch Milkweed Project Donation


Monarch Milkweed Waystation Kit *Local Pickup Only*


Monarch Milkweed Project Products

All the products you see here help to raise money for the Monarch Milkweed Project so we can continue our mission of educating, propagating, and advocating on behalf of the Western Monarch Butterfly and other Pollinators.

MMP Unisex Crew Neck T-shirt White Text


MMP Women's Relaxed T-Shirt White Text


MMP Toddler Short Sleeve Tee


MMP Don't Hate Pride Month Tee - White Text


MMP Women's Relaxed T-Shirt Black Text


MMP Youth Short Sleeve T-Shirt


MMP Don't Hate Pride Month Tee -Black Text


MMP Baby Jersey Short Sleeve Tee


MMP Baby short sleeve one piece Black Text

Check out our custom notebooks, coloring books and children's activity books on Amazon!

Click on the picture of the notebook to be linked to our Amazon page!